South Korean Severe Weather

South Korean Severe Weather Articles:
South Korea’s severe weather are snowstorms, rainstorms, sandstorms, heat waves and droughts. There are four snowstorm articles from the websites called The Korea Times,  BBC, NBC News and Stripes,  which explain that South Korean snowstorm became a struggle for Seoul and broke the record of snow falling in Seoul since 1937. One rainstorm article of the website, The Telegraph, states that the South Korean torrential rainstorm damaged areas in Seoul and killed around 32 people by creating landslides and flash floods. The four sandstorm/dust storm articles from the websites are Mega-zine, The Korea Times, Wikipedia: Asian_Dust and Yonhap News, which explain that South Korean, yellow dust, sandstorm/ dust storm affect the people health and  spread around the country. The websites of the heat waves articles are The Guardian, CNN,  and The Korea Herald, which  describe that  South Korean heat waves killed approximately 42 people, and that demonstrates the disaster that occurred in South Korea.  Three drought articles of the websites, KBS World Radio, UPI and The Korea Times, assert that South Korean droughts create fires in the forest and threat the  water, crop & aquaculture in South Korea. See the images below for The Korea Times and NBC News:

Safety Precaution for Severe Weathers:
Global websites include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  American Red Cross  and National Weather Service. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) links are  CDC: extreme heat, CDC: lightning, CDC: tornadoes and CDC: winter. American Red Cross links are Red Cross: winter-stormRed Cross: tornado, Red Cross: thunderstorm, Red Cross: heat-wave,  and Red Cross: drought. National Weather Service links are Weather: coldWeather: tornado, Weather: heat, Weather: thunderstorm, Weather: winter, Weather: lightning and Weather: drought. These sites explain how to be safe before/during/after severe weather has occurred. 

Global/ Local Warning Center:
Global warning centers include National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)[ NASA: earth observatory ], World Meteorological Organization [ World  Meteorological Organization: Weather ] and The Weather Channel [Weather Channel: storms/tornado/forecast ].  The only local website is called Korea Meteorological Administration ( here are the links: KMA: weather/images/satellite, KMA: weather/climate/worldclimate  and KMA: weather/forecast/notice ).

 If you plan to travel in South Korea, you should check this website called smartraveller: severe-weather   (see the images below).

Other Information:
Other websites/pdf, such as Science Direct , Tandfonline (below first two images), Atmos-chem-phys.pdf  and Socio-Economic_Costs.pdf  (below last two images), explain how to assess the severe weather damage, what has changed and been revealed in South Korea.


Links Provided:
 Rain storms:
Sandstorm/ Dust storm:
Heat waves:
Warning Center:
Travel guide:
Other Information:


  1. Luis, I really enjoy your thorough posts as they are very informative and thoughtful. although not in the same area I really see how similar our two countries are (mine being Peru) it seems that there is a real correlation between the two hazard wise. My chosen country seems to deal with heavy rains very often and with global temperatures on the rise it seems that these rains will continue to only get heavier. Anyways, great post as always.


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