South Korean Coastal Hazards

Coastal Hazards
Although South Korean coastal hazards are linked to other natural disasters ( such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, typhoons, landslides, flooding, sinkholes and climate change), the main coastal hazards are focused on the rip current, coastal erosion, waves and any type which is related with the water type ( including the ocean, beaches, waves, the sea  and  the coastal line). Coastal hazards are not huge disasters like other natural disasters, but it still can be potentially dangerous because the other natural disasters come from the coastal hazards. During my research, I found that the coastal hazards in South Korea were mainly focused on coastal hazard management and prevention. Coastal hazards is similar to the soil subsidence due to many type elements (such as nature, Earth and life) and issues (such as geography of the locations, and component element of the areas). The result is that coastal hazards have minor impacts and can be visible dangers and the potential disasters toward the people.

Other Information for Coastal Hazards:
There are other websites/PDFs, such as Improving the Coastal Hazard Management in Indonesia: Lesson Learned from Other Countries.PDF (See first below image), Geophysical Research Abstracts.PDF , EBSCOhost: Assessment of Coastal Erosion (See second below  three images) and  EBSCOhost: Coastal Hazard Data (See last below image), which explain how to assess coastal hazard damages, how to manage the issues of the coastal hazards, and what has altered the environment and has been revealed by research methods in South Korea.

Safety Precaution for Coastal Hazards:
A Global website is  National Weather Service. National Weather Service links are Weather: safety/rip current-surviving, Weather: safety/rip current-beach , Weather: safety/rip current-before  and Weather: safety/rip current. This site explains how to be safe before/during/after coastal hazards have occurred. See the images of National Weather Service below.

Global/ Local Warning Center:
Global warning centers include National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ Earth Observatory (NASA): Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly (See below first image) and Earth Observatory (NASA): Sea Surface Temperature ], and World Meteorological Organization [ World Meteorological Organization: Water ]. The only local website is called Korea Meteorological Administration [here is the link: KMA: Observation].

Links Provided:


  1. Hello Luis,
    I enjoyed your blog because it's very informative and elaborated on a lot of things I never knew about. Wow! I found out about how coastal hazards can be as minor but have a lot of dangerous issues. Overall, great entry!!!

  2. Good Evening Luis,
    Great post! That is some extensive research and its pretty great that the country has a close eye on the hazard. Unlike my country of Haiti, where it seems the focus is far from the coastline. Continue to do good work.


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