Luis Vazquez
Professor Ana Garcia-Garcia
Geology 9
9 December 2018

Final South Korea Hazard report
During my research and assessment of South Korea’s natural disasters, the main dangerous overall  hazard for South Korea are earthquakes. Earthquakes can create other natural disasters and effects. According to Natural Hazards: Earth's Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes,  Keller and DeVecchio explain that earthquakes connect other most danger disasters such as sinkhole, landslides, tsunamis, and fire (ppg. 77- 81).  Amurian plate is a complex tectonic plate in South Korea. According to Wikipedia, these boundaries of divergent, convergent and transform can create destructive earthquakes due to the movement tectonic plate. South Korean earthquakes have shown massive destruction in the past and history, so it is better to prioritize this hazard for minimizing massive destruction. For instance, South Korea had historical powerful earthquakes between 6.7-7.5 magnitude through  779 and 1681 (Wikipedia). In the past and present, earthquakes spread over South Korea. South Korea can handle this type of  major disaster for reducing the areas and buildings damages.
The best priority for South Korea is to prevent earthquakes due to its destruction, chaos and cost of lives.The recommendations for South Korea is to use more funds towards their available resources such as Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA: observation ), Japan- South Korea’s agreement ( sputniknews: south-korea-japan-disaster-agreement ), South Korea assistance ( Journal of Korean Medical Science), and South Korea reconstruction companies ( ). These resources can protect more their civilians for their homes and health. The fund will improve resources for South Korea. For example, Korea Meteorological Administration can warn people, and Korea International Cooperation agency can construct strong buildings that can minimize damage. It is better to know where South Korean earthquakes happened in the areas and location.
These most risky areas where earthquakes occur are in Busan, Daegu, Gyeongju, Kyongju, Hongseong, Pohang, Ongjin, Taean, Sakju, Sangju, Seoul, Uljin, Ulsan and Yangyang. These sites need to withstand ruptures of the earthquakes due to the earthquakes frequently occurring those locations. With  strong construction, the structures will decrease damage of the earthquakes or lower earthquakes magnitude. However, if someone lived in those danger areas in South Korea, I recommend that everyone research safety precaution for earthquakes. For example, finding safe route for escape, looking symbol warning sign and listening to local authorities/ radio/ rescuers. There are multiple global websites can help anyone after/during/before  natural disaster because the local and global websites are almost similar each other such as safety. The most helpful global websites include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and   American Red Cross. Although South Korea have some type managements for earthquakes and other disasters ( such as south_korea.pdf,  National Disaster Management Research Institute and World Meteorological Organization ), the issue is how to improve construction to last better and stable after/during/before higher magnitude of earthquakes occurred.
By looking at the map that where earthquakes happen frequently, I recommend that safe area for construction of housing should be in the upper eastern in South Korea and almost nearby in borders between North Korea and South Korea. The safe zone from the earthquakes are Chuncheon, Inje, Gapyeong, Hoengseong,  Hongcheon, Hwacheon, Yangpyeong and Yanggu in South Korea. Those safe zones area are a good spot to build homes for avoiding the earthquakes attacks.
In conclusion, South Koreans should looking and know where the earthquakes often impact in their homes and cities, and prepare everything for safety when South Korean earthquakes occurred. South Korea government must spend and fund wisely for construction materials in the impacted areas and cities of South Korea.
Final South Korea Hazard Demonstration
The map image show major and minor earthquakes occurred in South Korea (Wikipedia).
The article of website, Independent, shows earthquake damaged the property in South Korea.

In Youtube, two videos of Arirang News talk about earthquakes in South Korea are called “S. Korea no longer 'earthquake-safe' zone... two magnitude 5.0+ quakes in two consecutive years” ( Link: South Korea Earthquake in Pohang ) and “5.1 Earthquake in Gyeongju, followed by 5.8 aftershock”( Link: South Korea Earthquake in Gyeongju )

Links Provided:

Works Cited
Keller, A. Edward, and Duane E. DeVecchio. Natural Hazards: Earth's Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes. 4th ed., Pearson Education, 2015. Print.


  1. Hello Luis,
    I enjoyed reading your post, and I wrote on earthquakes for my country as well! I learned a lot from your post, and I agree that it is very important to build strong structures in order to protect people inside from getting hurt. I like the images, as well as the video links that you included in your post and overall I believe that you did a very good job!

  2. Great final reflection. Happy Holidays and great 2019-


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